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Khukuri: A Famous Gorkha Weopon

Famous for its mountains, beautiful lakes, and natural beauty, this country is also famous for the bravery of the Nepalese army also known as the Gorkhas. Famous along with the Gorkhas is the Khukuri which is one of the weapons of the Gorkha army. The khukuri is a semi curved basic and traditional utility knife of Nepalese, an effective weapon of the Gorkhas and a fine piece of local craftsmanship that symbolizes pride and boldness which also represents the country and its culture.

Khukuri: a famous weapon used by the soldiers in the battle field.

1. In the old times before guns and other weapons existed Nepalese battles were fought with khukuris. The khukuris served as a fierce weapon in the battles and it effective use sent terror on the face of the enemy.

2. It was used by the Nepalese army during World War I and II. The Nepalese army never left their khukuri; these were their most trusted weapon of choice. It is also a part of the army uniform. The army uniform is not complete without a khukuri hanging by the belt.

3. The world came to know about this knife as a result of the two World Wars. The bravery of the Nepalese army and their fierce and effective use of this knife made both of them famous around the world. Many Nepalese soldiers that fought gallantly were awarded the Victoria Cross, the most prestigious medal in the British Army.

B. Military forces around the world have recognized the effectiveness of the khukuri.

It is not just the Nepalese army that uses the khukuri, the British-Gorkha army, various regiments of the Indian Army, and Singapore Police Force are some military forces that currently use the Khukuri.

II. Cultural and religious significance of the khukuri

A. Khukuri is worshipped during the biggest festival in Nepal.

1. Nepal is a country where animal sacrifices are made to please gods during various festivals. No sacrifices are made without a Khukuri. The khukuri is worshiped on the 8th day of the festival and animal sacrifice is made with it.

2. Khukuri is used in the test for the selection of Kumari, the living Goddess of Nepal.

3. The butt-cap of the knife resembles the eye of God, and the very shape of the blade is supposed to resemble the crescent moon.

B. Khukuri is linked with myths and legends.

1. It is believed that if a Khukuri is placed under the pillow before sleeping, it will keep the evil spirits away.

2. There are many stories of brave warriors fighting mighty enemy forces using the khukuri as their main weapon.

3. The Khukuri dance is a part of the Nepalese culture. The Nepalese Army performs the Khukuri dance during military programs to demonstrate the skill of using a Khukuri.

III. The khukuri is not just a weapon of war. It is also used for household purpose and as gift items.

A. Being a multipurpose knife, it is used on a daily basis for household works. It is used to chop wood, cutting meat and also as a weapon for protection.

B. It is used as gift items.

1. It is used as commercial gift items.

Handles of some Khukuris are made up from fine wood and ivory carved into beautiful designs. Some khukuri covers are studded with precious gems and these decorative khukuris are usually given as gifts or souvenir of appreciation.

2. It is used as a gesture of honor.

Khukuris are also presented to armies and police officers for outstanding performance in their field or wars. Retired army personnel are gifted a Khukuri for serving the country.

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