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Pakistan Quake Kills 210, Watch Exclusive pictures of Creates Island

Islamabad : A massive earthquake struck a remote, rural area in Pakistan killed at least 210 people and creating a new island off the Pakistani coastline. "It was nothing short of a miracle," Behram Baloch, a resident of the southern port city of Gwadar, told referrign to the new island. Accounts of the size and shape of the island vary. Baloch describes it as roughly 200 feet long, jutting out from the water roughly a quarter mile from the coastline. Pakistan TV channels broadcast footage of the island, shot from land, showing a grainy, rocky mass surrounded by water. A fisherman who saw the island being formed say it was a gradual process, not sudden like an apparition. "All the people from the village came out to see it and were praying at the same time," he says. "Tomorrow, I will go to see it up close." But for as much as the earthquake created, it also destroyed. 

 Watch Exclusive pictures of Creates Island after Pakistan Earthquake


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