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Subedar Tikajit Pun MBE, OBI, IDSM of 1/2nd Gurkha Rifles

Tikajit Pun was born in a village called Nangi, in the district of Tehsil, Nepal, he enlisted into the 1st Battalion of the 2nd Gurkha Rifles in November 1922, and saw his first active service on the North West Frontier in 1924, being awarded the Indian General Service Medal 1923-24. He served on the frontier again with the battalion in 1937 and was awarded his second IGSM for the 1937-39 campaign.  He was granted the Viceroy's Commission in 1937 and transferred to the 3rd Battalion when it was re-raised in 1940. In 1943 as a Subedar in the Chindits, he took part in the First Wingate Expedition, leading a group of very young and inexperienced Gurkha Riflemen behind enemy lines in Burma. Here he performed outstandingly well under very difficult and arduous conditions and ended up being awarded the Indian Distinguished Conduct Medal for his efforts that year. Here is the citation transcript for that award, as recommended by his commander Major R. Bromhead :

                 Operations in Burma - March - April, 1943.

Subedar Tikajit Pun was the senior Gurkha Officer of which was forced through a breakdown in communications and the consequent lack of rations to return across the CHINDWIN under particularly arduous conditions.His energy and devotion to duty were unfailing and on all occasions he set a superb example of cheerfulness in great adversity. It was largely due to his exemplary conduct that his men, despite hunger and exhaustion, regained their base as a formed body and without casualties. He displayed the same qualities of leadership during this difficult march as he had previously shown under fire and was throughout of the greatest assistance to his Commander.

Recommended By
Major R.B.J.Bromhead,
Column Commander,
77 Ind. Inf. Bde Group.

Brig. O.Wingate
Comdr. 77 Ind. Inf. Bed.

London Gazette 19 October 1944.

For a much more detailed account of the military life and career of Tikajit Pun, please click on the link below. Congratulations must go the gentlemen who produced the website pages, especially Mark Sellar who compiled the information on Tikajit Pun.Tikajit Pun went on to serve with the 2nd Gurkha Rifles after the war in places such as Malaya, he continued to excel and impress during this period. In the photograph opposite he can be seen in the centre of the back row. This photo was taken in the 1950's and is of the 1st battalion 2nd GR, at the Ulu Pandan barracks in Singapore. By this time Tikajit was a Lieutenant in the battalion, but went on to achieve the rank of Captain.

The family tradition of faithful service to the 2nd Gurkha Rifles was continued by his eldest son Lalbahadur, who became the first Gurkha Rifle recruit to attend Staff College, passing out from Sandhurst in 1959. Lalbahadur was awarded the Military Cross in 1965 during the 1st battalion's tour of duty in Indonesia. He led a successful ambush attack on a large group of insurgents just inside the Indonesian border and nullified their future effect on proceedings. Seen below is the full medal entitlement of Captain Tikajit Pun, a real Chindit hero in every sense of the word.

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