The rank equivalent in IAS, IPS and Indian Armed forces
The rank status of army officers have declined very much from our Independence. Army officers don't like the present equivalencies and rightly so. This is how it will look. Some of you may feel this answer is incorrect, then please refer the pay levels in 7th CPC or grade pay in 6th CPC . None of these services share equivalent ranks. I've heard that, army ranks of captain, major is lower in precedence to SP and SP lies lower in precedence to District Collector. SP and Collector are never equivalent for sure. Looking at shoulder insignias of army officers and IPS officers a, a comparison can be made between ranks in army and IPS. SP in IPS and Lt.Col in army share almost same shoulder insignia.
There exist no equal shoulder insignia IPS for the same as that of a Col. [In films, IPS shoulder insignias are often depicted wrongly] . DIG in IPS and Brigadier in army shares almost same shoulder insignia. Similarly IG and Major General are similar in shoulder insignia. DGP and Lt.General are similar in shoulder insignia. No equivalent for Army General in IPS. Chief Secretary lies above DGP in protocol.DGP reports to Home Secretary in a state. I conclude, there are possible comparisons in IPS and Indian Army, but no comparison of these with IAS. In order of precedence of India,Cabinet Secretary [highest IAS officer in India] lies above Chiefs of Armed forces.
Lieutenant = CSP = BDO
Captain = DSP = SDM
Major = ASP = ADM
Lt. Colonel = SP = Collector
Colonel = SSP = Collector (selection grade)
Brigadier = DIG = Special Secretary/Equivalent (State govt.)
Major General = IG = Secretary (State govt.)
Lt. Gen (HAG) = ADGP = Principal Secy (State govt.)
Lt Gen (Corps Commander) = Special DGP = Addl. Chief Secretary
Lt Gen (Army Commander) = DGP = Chief Secretary
General = Cabinet Secretary.
Now that standard has changed, it existed because of the variation in the grade pay. Miitary people get "Military Service Pay" which no other service gets. That is why their grade pay was slightly lesser than IAS( say 400-500). But what people started thinking is Captain Rank in army is not equivalent to any rank in IAS, because in All India Service they follow MACP promotional system which was not there in Armed Forces. Now to remove that inequality grade pay has been abolished in 7th pay commission. Now at the moment, all that matters is the pay and years of experience. Usually, Military people get more allowances and facilities than any other service in India. Therefore, ranks are now equal in every aspect and hence there is no discrimination.
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