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GNLF demands restoration of DGHC in Darjeeling Hills

KALIMPONG : The Gorkha National Liberation Front has demanded the restoration of the Darjeeling Gorkha Hill Council until the Sixth Schedule is implemented in the hills. The GNLF, putting forth the demand to the central and state government today, conducted an awareness campaign in Kalimpong by distributing handouts. The party’s women wing, Gorkha National Women’s Organisation, had taken the initiative and distributed the handouts to people across the town as part of the campaign. The Kalimpong GNWO leaders including Sangay Lamu Sherpa and Mary Shakuntala Rai along with other members were part of the campaign. The leaders said the awareness campaign was part of the party’s political activity to demand the implementation of the Sixth Schedule and restoration of DGHC. “Apart from distributing handouts, the party will also conduct poster campaigns and peaceful rallies in the town,” said GNWO Kalimpong unit president, Sangay Lamu Sherpa. The GNLF handout has portrayed the DGHC as an organisation with "real constitutional autonomous power' with high potential, stating the council should be returned back to the hills honorably without any delay.
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