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The Session's court in Darjeeling sentenced 2 Youths to Life imprisonment

Darjeeling : The district session's court in Darjeeling sentenced two youths to life imprisonment found guilty of murdering a driver of a state owned bank in October 2014. Simon Rai 25 and Riwaz Rai 25 of Khaling Dhura village under Tukvar tea estate in Darjeeling were convicted of murdering Pawan Pradhan of Banesbek tea estate on October 14, 2014 over some argument. According to Public Prosecutor, Pranay Rai, the victim was a driver of the ATM vehicle of the State Bank of India and was on duty when the incident took place. "The accused was found guilty of murder and judge Monojit Mondal read the verdict and sentenced the two to life imprisonment, today," said the PP. According to the PP, the victim and the two accused were known to each other. 

The incident started with heated argument between the victim and accused on some issue, near the Tukvar check post. On that day the victim's brother-in-law Resap Rai was also present. In order to settle the matter the, four of them went to Khaling Dhura, to come to a compromise. "On the way to Khaling Dhura, the two accused attacked the victim and his brother-in-law. The victim was struck on his stomach with khukuri while his brother-in-law as hit on the head with bottles. The brother-in-law survived the attack but Pradhan succumbed to the deadly blow and died on his way to the hospital," said the PP. Dharam Pradhan, the victim's father lodged an FIR at Sadar police station against the two accused who were arrested on April 16, 2014.

- Darjeeling Chronicle
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