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Know More about Uttarakhand Ex-Servicemen League ( UESL)

Lt. Col (Retd.) DS Khadka
1.  The Ex Servicemen all over India, have multifarious problems which are not finding due attention by the military and civil administrations, as such Ex Servicemen organizations are formed to look into the problems of the ESM. Uttarakhand Exservicemen League (UESL) is one such organization to look into the problems of the ESM of Uttarakhand state.
2.  UESL came into existence in Uttarakhand in May 1995 and was named as UKESL (Uttarakhand Ex Servicemen League). It was rechristened as UESL with effect from 01 May 2001.The office of the UESL is located at 61 East Canal Road, Subhas Marg, Dehra Dun (prominently located opposite CMI Dehra Dun)
3.  It is a non-political, non-governmental organization, secular in nature and a volunteer organization. This organization functions for the welfare and well being of ESM, their families, dependents of the serving and retired soldiers, widows and children of serving soldiers killed in war and in general for the people of Uttarakhand without any discrimination of caste and creed, and encompasses ESM of all arms and services including Air Force and Navy.
4.  UESL is affiliated to Indian Ex-Servicemen League (IESL) New Delhi, a registered organization with Army Head quarters.
5.  UESL functions as the central body representing all ESM in the state. The organization is also registered with the Registrar of Societies Dehra Dun with due recognition of the central govt and the govt of the state of Uttarakhand.
6.  The Governor of UK is the Grand Patron in Chief of the UESL and the Goc in C Central Command is the Patron in Chief.
7.  All ESM of Dehra Dun and other districts of Uttarakhand are advised to approach UESL for their problems. The UESL will do its best to solve the problems and shall render useful advices.
8.  Following may be contacted personally or on phone.
Brig (retd) R S Rawat, VSM            President    9760821868
Lt Col (retd) D S Khadka            Vice President 9358106065
Col D S Jhinkwan                 Co-ordinating General Secretary 9212438233
UESL Offce                    0135 2712523

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