BJP's Rajiv Pratap Rudy for Darjeeling Lok Sabha constituency !
Darjeeling : The current Darjeeling MP Jaswant Singh has said that he is not going to contest the upcoming 2014 MP elections from Darjeeling constituency. He said that in fact he is not too keen on contesting the elections at all. This has led the Darjeeling MP race to become wide open.
Sources in Delhi are saying that if GJM and BJP can come to an understanding then someone like Rajiv Pratap Rudy, who has openly supported the Gorkhaland cause could be contesting from Darjeeling seat.
However, given the TMC stand, many fear that GJM-BJP alliance is highly unlikely, as both the GJM and the BJP will not want to be seen hobnobbing with, whom Mamata might label as, the wrong party.
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