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चुनाव आउॅछ जान्छ अब पुनः हामी गाउँ समाज, ईष्टमित्र, बन्धु-बान्धवको सम्बन्ध र साइनोमा फर्केर आउनुपर्छ : विनय तामाङ

विनय तामाङ

         [[ अनुनय विनय सबैलाई ]]
चुनाव आउॅछ जान्छ - यो त लोकतन्त्रको रीत नै हो - जबसम्म लोकतन्त्र प्रजातन्त्र प्रणाली रहन्छ
तबसम्म हामी सबै यस प्रणाली अछुन्न हिस्सा भइ नै रहनेछौ। 

यसै लोकतन्त्र/ प्रजातन्त्रको हिस्सामा हामी सबैले भाग लियौ- आ-आफनो तरिकाले अनि आ-आफनो भुमिका निर्वाहपनि गर्यौ । अब पुनः हामी गाउँ समाज , ईष्टमित्र, बन्धु-बान्धवको सम्बन्ध र साइनोमा फर्केर आउनुपर्छ  - एकाअर्काको सम्बन्धभन्दा अरू कुनै सम्बन्ध विशेष हुदैन।  यसोसले सबै-सबैले आपसी मतभेद भुलेर गाउँ समाज अनि आफ्नो क्षेत्रलाई शान्ति राख्दै विकासको पथ अग्रसर गर्ने हामी सबैले प्रण गरौं ।

हालैको पञ्चायत चुनावको परिणाम भोलि तपाई हामी सबैको अघि आउने नै छ । जीत अनि हार , सफलता अनि असफलता , सुख अनि दुःख- हामी प्रत्येकको  जीवनको अभिन्न हिस्साहरू हुन् । जसलेपनि भोलि जीत हासिल गर्नेछन्  उनीहरूले सो जीत उनीहरूको आफ्नो जीत नभएर गाउँ समाज र आफ्नो क्षेत्रहरूको जीत सम्झनुपर्नेछ । जोपनि पराजय हुनेछन् उनीहरूलेपनि सो पराजयलाई खुशीसित स्वीकार गर्दै आफ्नो गाउँ समाजलाई धन्य ठान्दै गाउँ समाजको उत्थानको निम्ति आफुलाई अझ समर्पित गर्ने अभिप्राय राखे - यसलाई जित्नेको जीतभन्दापनि ठुलो जीत हुनेछ । पराजय हुनु भनेको जीवनमा अमुल्य शिक्षा पाउनु हो । जस-जसकोपनि पराजय हुनेछन् उनीहरूले यही सम्झनुपर्छ - यो खेप हारेको तर जीवन हारेको होइन । अग्रेजीको भनाई - " Show must go on " अतार्थ " शो जारी राख्नुपर्छ । "

अन्तमा , यो चुनावमा आ-आफ्नो गाउँ घरको बाटो-घाटोहरूमा अनि देवलहरूमा पोस्टर , फेल्क्स , झण्डा आदि लगाएका छन् - सबै उम्मेदवारहरू ,समर्थकहरू  अनि गाउँ समाजका सचेत नागरिकहरू भएर सर-सफाई गरी स्वच्छ परिवेश र वातावरण सृजना गरौं ।

भोलि चुनाव परिणामको अवधि अनि त्यसपश्चातको समयमा हामीले हाम्रो गाउँघर अनि दार्जिलिङ पहाड लगायत बङालमा शान्ति राखौं - म सविनय निवेदन गर्दछु।

[[ Persuasion to everyone ]]

Elections comes and goes - this is the way of democracy - as long as democracy remains a democratic system until then, we will all remain an untouchable part of this system.

We all participated in this democracy/ democracy in our own way and played our own role. Now again we have to come back to the society, neighbourhood, brother-bond relationship and sign - no other relationship is more special than the relationship with each other. Let us all pledge to forget our mutual differences and keep peace in the village, society and our region and lead the path of development.

The results of the recent panchayat elections will come before you all tomorrow. Wins and losses, success and failure, happiness and sadness - these are integral parts of each of our lives. Those who will win tomorrow will have to remember that victory is not their own victory, but the victory of the village ,society and their regions. Those who will be defeated accepted the defeat happily and considered their village society as blessed and intended to dedicate themselves more for the upliftment of the village, society and the region  - it will be a greater victory than the victory of the winner. Failure is a valuable lesson in life. Those who will be defeated should remember this - it is not the loss of the consignment but the loss of day only - "Show must go on".

Finally, in this election, posters , flexes and flags etc. have been placed in the streets and walls of their respective village houses - all the candidates, supporters and conscious citizens of the village and the society should remove and clean the same and  create a clean and clear and healthy  environment.

Let us keep peace in our villages, Darjeeling hills and Bengal  during the period of election results tomorrow and after that - my humble  request to you all respected citizens.

With humble appeal,

Binoy Tamang 

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